#RelationshipHelp: 5 Apps to Improve Your Relationship

Today I thought about how proud I am of my husband for how hardworking and sweet he was by making dinner while I worked late. Then I wondered, will I remember to tell him how proud I am this evening when I get home after a long day? Will I remember while trying to get our baby to bed? Will I remember when I sit down in front of the TV or will I pick up my phone and get distracted? Or, will I get sidetracked with life and he will never know that I thought of him today? I know I was thinking about him today–but does he? Everyone says to “communicate to improve your relationship” but I’m asking, “how do I keep up with it all?”
There are so many distractions!
At times, life can get so busy that we forget to communicate our love and appreciation for one another. Even in the most difficult times, we can still experience love and gratitude for our partners. The hard times are when it’s most important to communicate our affection. This is the key to relationship improvement!
But how many times does life get in the way of meaningful interactions with our partners? Work, kids, dinner, chores, and social media –all of those things provide a distraction from our most important relationships. It’s often much easier to focus on the negatives in our relationship and we forget to show appreciation for the positives (e.g. “You left your socks on the floor… again!” versus “Thank you for taking such good care of the yard.”).
There’s an app for that!
In this age of technology, there’s an abundance of apps that claim to improve your life. But can they help your relationship? We use reminders for all sorts of things from to-do lists to calendars to when to wake up in the morning. Why not use them in our relationship too? Granted, a relationship app is a simple tool you can use to slightly improve your relationship–it isn’t designed to provide therapy (that’s when you call us!). Researchers have found that couples who have at least 5 positive interactions compared to each negative interaction are happier, more stable, and at significantly less risk for divorce. Guess what? There’s an app for that!
I recently reviewed several relationship apps and want to share my top 5 relationship apps and how they can help improve your relationship.
30-day relationship challenge
(Android only) – Get a simple and free or inexpensive romantic suggestion each day for 30 days. Don’t like their suggestion? Swap it out for another or create your own!
The 5 Love Languages
(Apple & Android) – Take a short quiz to find out your love languages. Are you showing each other love the way each wants to receive it? Bonus: It includes a 5-week challenge with a new activity or gesture each week to help you reconnect.
Romantic Ideas 500
(Apple) – Some of these romantic ideas may seem a little silly but if you don’t like one, there are 499 more available with just a swipe!
The Marriage App
(Apple) – Is the Christian faith important to you and your mate? Get daily words of encouragement and scripture along with suggestions for connecting with your partner.
Gottman Card Decks
(https://apps.apple.com/us/app/gottman-card-decks/id1292398843) Looking for ways to further conversations and connect with your partner? The Gottman Institute provides couples with various “decks of cards” to connect in ways they may not have thought of.
The Bottom Line
These apps will not diagnose or solve the problems in your relationship. However, they can provide useful and simple reminders of ways to improve your relationship.
If you and your mate are struggling in your relationship, it might be time to consider therapy. We can provide tools and guidance to improve your relationship. Give us a call at (904) 302-5340, or schedule now online.
You might also enjoy reading our related blog: Keep That Loving Feeling Alive All Year Long
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